Results for category "纯器乐金属;纯器乐摇滚"

We’re All Wrong – Vol. 1 (2022) [前卫死亡/ 纯器乐]



01. Pity Party
02. Bellwether
03. Head Turner
04. Witching Hour
05. Optical Intrusion
06. Desire to Acquire
07. Clearcutting
08. Dysmorphic
09. Semiotic
10. Dovetail
11. Glassless
12. Squaring Circles
13. Turning Tricks
14. Centroid
15. Recalcitrance

Tony Cultreri – On Betrayal (2022) [前卫摇滚 / 吉他乐器]



01. A Small Matter of Destiny 02:18
02. Bleak Statistics 06:35
03. The First Betrayal 03:01
04. The Second Betrayal 05:28
05. An Optimistic Interruption 01:39
06. Disorder 04:57
07. Order 06:41
08. In Memory 03:26
09. The Way a Blue Sky Turns to Red 04:37
10. Destiny Refused 05:48
11. Requiem and Rebirth 03:36
12. Change and Redemption 04:57