Daily archives "2025年3月15日"

01. The Darkening of Valinor
02. Oath of F?anor
03. The First Kinslaying
04. Doom of Mandos
05. The Siege of Angband
06. Darken the Flames
07. Dagor Bragollach
08. The Battle of Unnumbered Tears
09. Felagund
10. The War of Wrath

01 – A Light Never Lost.mp3
02 – Steel from the Ashes.mp3
03 – Beneath the Black Sun.mp3
04 – Drowning in Silence.mp3
05 – Splinters of the Moon.mp3
06 – Lament of the Void.mp3
07 – Wolves at the Door.mp3
08 – The Hollow Crown.mp3
09 – Crimson Hands.mp3
10 – Through Shattered Lenses.mp3
11 – Ashes in the Wind.mp3
12 – Noose of Time.mp3
13 – A Blackened Horizon.mp3

01. Meine Welt [04:15]
02. Schlag mich [03:57]
03. Raus [03:53]
04. Schachmatt [04:28]
05. Nur ein Lacheln [05:59]
06. Ich bin ein Star [04:32]
07. Hand in Hand [04:42]
08. Webterrorist [03:43]
09. Eiszeit [04:13]
10. Keine Angst [04:17]
11. Sehnsucht [04:11]
12. Schlafspiel [04:56]
13. Karl Denke [04:53]
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/15T4vpNW4ONSNN5VtZC3Vpg?pwd=q7s2 提取码: q7s2

01. Silence Breaker 04:05
02. Ruthless Wrath 04:26
03. Red Heavens 04:41
04. Bound By The Moon 04:27
05. Circle Of Amnesia 04:22
06. Injustice 04:57
07. Searing Flames 04:27
08. Shadows 04:27
09. Reborn In Solitude 04:22
10. Navigate Me To The Sun 03:27
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12z6J4WYHRxsQ-DL2LdJcbw?pwd=rd9n 提取码: rd9n